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Accredited testing laboratory: our expertise in quality assurance

We do not compromise when it comes to the quality of our products. That's why we have approximately 40 experts at our in-house testing lab at the company's headquarters in Reutte, Austria. They are hard at work every day testing, measuring and analyzing numerous samples and test items to ensure the quality of our production, and they also take part in research and development.

We have numerous test procedures at our disposal in the following areas:

  • Chemical analytics

  • Powder laboratory

  • Mechanical-technological material testing

  • Metal-physical laboratory

  • Non-destructive testing

Accredited since 1997

When you select a laboratory for your testing, calibration and measurement needs, you must be sure that this laboratory can offer you precise and reliable results. Our testing laboratories have therefore been accredited by the responsible Ministry according to ISO 17025:2017. We do this so we can confirm that we are meeting current requirements related to quality, competence, and equipment.

To the accreditations

Superbly equipped with the latest technologies


Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

Dye penetration testing

Fluorescent dye penetration testing

Dye penetration testing

Fluorescent dye penetration testing analysis


X-ray diffraction (XRD)

Powder laboratory

Combustion analysis (C, S)

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The expertise of our testing laboratory in detail

Chemical analytics

Chemical analytics
  • XRF (x-ray fluorescence analysis) for a quantitative and qualitative analysis
  • Carrier gas hot extraction – O, N, H determination
  • Combustion analysis – C, S determination
  • ICP-OES (optical emission spectrometry) – quantitative multi-element analysis in the trace range 
  • ICP-MS (mass spectrometry) – quantitative multi-element analysis in the ultra trace range
  • Various special analyses (e.g. gravimetry, pH vale, conductometry)
  • Environmental analyses (water, soil, dust)

Powder laboratory

Powder laboratory
  • In-process powder analyses
  • Various methods for powder analysis (e.g.: Fisher grain size, sieve analyses, bulk/tap density, flowability, pycnometry)
  • Determination of particle size distribution (laser diffraction – Malvern)
  • Hot gas extraction – O determination, combustion analysis – C determination

Mechanical/technological material testing

Mechanical/technological material testing
  • Tensile testing (up to 2200°C), pressure testing (up to 1200 °C), bending strength (up to 1200 °C), shear testing (up to 1200 °C), modulus of elasticity determination
  • Hardness testing (macro, micro); Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell, Leeb
  • Impact strength (Charpy), determination of the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature 
  • Density determination
  • Fracture toughness
  • Electrical conductivity / electrical resistance
  • Heat treatments/annealing (up to 2600 °C)

Metal physical laboratory

Metal physical laboratory
  • Metallographic propene preparations, various polishing methods (OPS polishing, electro-polishing, ion-polishing, etching) 
  • Light microscopy 
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  • Analyses of the chemical composition via EDX and WDX 
  • Local texture determination and phase analysis via EBSD 
  • Thermal conductivity (laser flash analysis), RT-1100 °C, atmospheres: N, Ar 
  • Thermal expansion (dilatometry), RT-1650 °C, atmospheres: He, Ar, H 
  • Calorimetry – (DSC), RT-1400 °C, atmospheres: Ar 
  • Thermogravimetry (TGA), RT-1600 °C, atmospheres: Ar, He, H, air 
  • Differential thermal analysis RT-1600 °C, atmospheres: Ar, He, air 
  • X-ray diffraction (XRD), phase, texture, and property analysis

Non-destructive testing

Non-destructive testing
  • X-ray testing, film technology
  • Ultrasonic testing, manual testing, immersion testing and wall thickness testing
  • Eddy current testing, multi-frequency testing
  • Magnetic particle testing
  • Dye penetration testing, red/white and florescent
  • Leak testing, helium vacuum methods and sniffing method

Integrated management system

Our goal is to design internal processes and standards efficiently and transparently. That is why our testing laboratory is also part of our integrated QSUE management system. For more information, please go to the topics area

Would you like to make use of the services of our testing laboratory or do you have questions about our test procedures and quality standards? We're here to answer them.
  • Norbert Köpfle

    Norbert Köpfle

    Manager Service Unit Quality, Laboratories

    +43 5672 600 3255