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Plansee Composite Materials

Plansee Composite Materials is our center of expertise for tungsten heavy metals as well as metal and ceramic composites. Here we produce special products from our tungsten heavy metal alloys Densimet® and Inermet®, tungsten-copper, and many other metal and ceramic composites based on titanium and aluminum.

Our core competences at Plansee Composite Materials in Lechbruck, Germany:

  • Center of expertise for tungsten heavy metal alloys Densimet® and Inermet®
  • Experts in sputtering targets for hard coating applications
  • Our special metal powder mixtures lay the foundation for our unbeatable products

Plansee Composite Materials GmbH

Siebenbürgerstraße 2386983 Lechbruck am See
Tel:+49 8862 773 0Fax: +49 8862 773 198
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At a glance
    Vocational training

    We provide training!

    Find out more about training at Plansee Composite Materials in Lechbruck and apply now.


    Find out more about the products and components we specialize in at our production site in Lechbruck:

    Production and manufacturing process

    Everything from a single source – from the powder to the final product

    We do everything ourselves when it comes to the production and processing of our composites. From raw material to the final product, including research and development: we combine all of our technological expertise to guarantee quality at the highest level.

      Mischen Legieren
      Wärme- behandlung
      Mechan. Bearbeitung
      Qualitäts- sicherung
    OxidMolymet (Chile) ist der weltweit größte Verarbeiter von Molybdän-Erzkonzentraten und unser Hauptlieferant für Molybdäntrioxid. Die Plansee Group hält 21,15 % Anteile an Molymet. Global Tungsten & Powders (USA) ist eine Division der Plansee Group und unser Hauptlieferant für Wolfram-Metallpulver.

    Our manufacturing process

    With the careful mixing of our special metal powders, we lay the foundation for our unbeatable products. Depending on product requirements, we compress the powder to produce formed parts by means of various procedures, such as die pressing with mechanical or hydraulic pressure application. We manufacture our green compacts for semifinished product blanks by means of cold isostatic hose crimping. We use hot pressing to manufacture a dense, binder-free semifinished product in a single production step. We achieve the optimum density by means of subsequent sintering or liquid phase sintering. Some composites are produced at Plansee Composite Materials by means of special procedures such as infiltration and back-casting.

    Lechbruck production
    Lechbruck production
    Lechbruck production
    Lechbruck production
    Lechbruck production
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    At Plansee Composite Materials we specialize in tungsten-based composites, so-called W-based Metal Matrix Composites (W-MMC), which have particularly special properties:

    Our Densimet® and Inermet® tungsten composites have a particularly high density (17.0 to 18.8 g/cm3) and reliably shield X-rays and gamma rays. They are not susceptible to expansion in the presence of heat and are particularly good at dissipating heat. As mold inserts for aluminum foundries, they can be repeatedly heated and cooled without becoming brittle. They are also used as balancing weights.

    The advantages of our materials at a glance

    • High density of 17.0 to 18.8 g/cm3 (similar to pure tungsten)
    • Better workability than pure tungsten
    • Cost-efficient manufacture of complex products and components
    • High modulus of elasticity, very good mechanical properties
    • High absorption capacity for X-rays and gamma rays
    • Safe for human health and the environment
    • High wear resistance
    • Good thermal conductivity

    Further details regarding these special properties can be found in the materials area:

    To the W-MMC material page

    Our promise of quality and our responsibility

    At Plansee Composite Materials, we look after the health and safety of our employees. As a responsible company, we protect the environment and adopt a conscientious approach to raw materials and resources. Our quality management system is certified according to ISO 9001:2015.

    Our compliance with due diligence when sourcing our raw materials is also certified as part of the RMI Downstream Assessment Program.

    To the ISO 9001 certificate